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Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Hi World's Tallest Building (A Prefab) - The HVAC Challenge!.
Hi Manufactured for On Site pre-assembly Skyscrapers
We have been following this ambitious undertaking of building the world's tallest building, the 220 floor "Sky City", in an incredibly short three month period. This is largely due to the new technologies developed by the Broad Sustainable Building Group of China based on fabrication of the building frame and most building systems in factories which are shipped to the site for assembly. With some 20 buildings already "built" using this technology success has been seen and the learning process has continued.
On this subject, GE A's President & CEO expressed some concern about the pace, "Although I admire the success to date and the exuberance of this plan I believe smaller steps would be more appropriate".
Well, bureaucracy and the emergence of another less ambitious project may help bring order to the progression of the multiple technologies being created and advanced by Broad and its partners.
Forbes Thought Of The Day
“ There must always be some who are brighter and some who are stupider. The latter make up for it by being better workers. ”
— Bertolt Brecht
The 220 story world's tallest building was scheduled to start in December and be completed in March. However delays in getting approvals ("authorities have withheld permits for Sky City because of concerns over safety, congestion and environmental impact") have caused rescheduling. But Broad is not just "sitting on their hands". In late January they announced an agreement to build 100 story skyscraper in Tinchuan using the same mass production methods planned for Sky City.
We see this as good news as the increases in building size and complexity had progressed nicely through the last building which was a thirty story office building "built" in fifteen days. The leap from 30 to 220 stories encompasses many new issues including the social issues surrounding the creating of a city in a building. Although there are certainly some disappointments we view this opportunity to take a smaller step a positive for the buildings and HVAC industries.
The View:selection of images: "Manufactured for Pre-assembly."
- "In Our Industry we ask what is the HVAC Challenge?."
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