Unshared knowledge is as good as nothing.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Hi Revival DQ? - "Food For Thought from HouseHold Communities!."
Hi!!! Tipped OFF !?/!SUCCESS!/!2013!/!FAILURE!/?!

Do employees have to adjust to your leadership style, or is your company culture truly integrated? If employees have to adapt to your style, consider making a change that allows you to be more in tune with your employees. Leadership is the most important factor in a winning organization and relating to employees is paramount.

Hi Efficient business operations:
Before making changes, make sure current processes are being fully executed (if they’re working for you). This prevents making change for change’s sake.

Hi Employee enrichment:
In order to have a flourishing business, the employees must be part of the direction that the business owner wants to go. Create a checklist of employees who need training and evaluate individuals for overall work performance and attitude (be sure to keep up the morale in the process).

Monday, 15 October 2012
Hi Mechanical Fan!
Often called a "squirrel cage" (because of its similarity in appearance to exercise wheels for pet rodents) or "scroll fan", the centrifugal fan has a moving component (called an impeller) that consists of a central shaft about which a set of blades, or ribs, are positioned.
Centrifugal fans blow air at right angles to the intake of the fan, and spin the air outwards to the outlet (by deflection and centrifugal force).
The impeller rotates, causing air to enter the fan near the shaft and move perpendicularly from the shaft to the opening in the scroll-shaped fan casing.
A centrifugal fan produces more pressure for a given air volume, and is used where this is desirable such as in leaf blowers, blowdryers, air mattress inflators,inflatable structures, climate control, and various industrial purposes.
They are typically quieter than comparable axial fans.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Hi Bearings An Understanding!
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Hi Definitions of disaster types.
Sudden natural | Long-term natural | Sudden human-made | Long-term human-made |
Cold wave
Earthquake Aftershock Floods
Flash flood Dam collapse
Volcanic eruption Glowing avalanche Heat wave
High wind cyclone Storm Hail Sand storm Storm surges Thunder storm
Tropical storm Tornado Insect infestation Landslide Earth flow Power shortage Tsunami and tidal wave
| Epidemics
Desertification Famine Food shortage or crop failure
| Structural collapse
Building collapse
Mine collapse or cave-in Air disaster Land disaster
Sea disaster Industrial/technological accident Explosions Chemical explosions
Nuclear explosion or thermonuclear explosions Mine explosions
Pollution Acid rain Chemical pollution Atmosphere pollution Chlorofluoro-carbons (CFCs) Oil pollution Fires Forest/grassland fire
| National (civil strife, civil war)
International (war-like encounters)
Displaced population Displaced persons Refugees